
10 proven tips to study smarter, not harder

Everybody at some point of time in their lives has to study and when it comes to school studies, there are a lot of things to cover from the syllabus in less time. Whether you have a home tutor in Dwarka or you study by yourself, it is quite important that you manage your time very well specially before the exams. When you have a lot to study in a short span of time, smart study is what is recommended rather than doing a lot of hard work. By studying smarter, you not only save a lot of time but also remember more things for a longer duration. In this article, we will discuss some of the tips to study smarter.

Tips to study smarter

  • Study in chunks

Short study sessions facilitate information processing in the brain far more efficiently than lengthy ones that contain a large amount of knowledge. Consider dedicating 30 minutes to your studies either before or after work. Make a study timetable, avoid staying up late, and begin reading and planning early in the study session.

  • Make up your mind for study

Arrange the perfect study area and assemble all the necessary books and supplies. The brain is also primed for study during this prep period. Reduce the amount of outside distractions as well. If you must listen to music, choose some uplifting tunes without lyrics. You should also avoid using social media and leave your phone aside.

  • Sleep well and do some physical activities

When you’re alert, well-fed, and rested, your ability to absorb information is enhanced—even more so after a workout. To fuel up your brain, make sure you’ve eaten meals high in nutrients, such as yoghurt, almonds, berries, and salmon. Maintaining hydration and getting up and moving during your 30-minute exercises are also beneficial.

  • Write important things on flashcards

When you write anything down after reading or hearing it, your brain retains the knowledge more effectively. This implies that you’ll most likely need to stop using the highlighter and begin making flashcards with the essential information. The Leitner System, which makes use of the concepts of spaced repetition and increasing intervals, is an effective method to employ.

  • Apply contextual learning

It is beneficial to learn how to connect the dots when consuming information. Consider the numerous connections between the material you are reading, viewing, or listening to as you learn. We refer to this as contextual learning. Aim to compile relevant knowledge onto a single flashcard.

  • Set goals and try to achieve them

Make a list of your study objectives and mark them off when you meet them. It will not only make you feel in charge and less stressed out about studying, but it will also inspire you and give you a sense of accomplishment. You can learn this in a coaching centre in Dwarka.

  • Test yourself frequently

You can determine where you stand and where you might need to concentrate by taking practice exams. You may find some excellent templates online to assist with the organisation. When you encounter a difficult passage in your readings, jot it down and don’t forget to test yourself again for a challenge.

  • Study as you have to teach it to somebody

Studies have demonstrated that individuals who learn content with the intention of teaching it to others assimilate it more logically than those who learn it just for themselves. Peer tutoring has been proved to have a positive impact on academic attainment; a study found that students who participated in peer learning scored considerably higher on a reading exam than the students who did not.

  • Read aloud and recall

Reading text out loud helps you remember it better. This is supported by research on the “production effect” which shows that saying things aloud strengthens memory compared to silent reading.

  • Lose the screen

This advice suggests switching from screens to physical copies for better memory. A psychology lecturer found reading on screens makes recalling information harder. Printing out study materials like notes and articles is recommended, giving your eyes a break in the process.








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