How to live with COVID-19 and preparing for future - Topnochtutorials

Six weeks into Corona crises, we all by now understood that this pandemic is not going away any soon and we may have to wait patiently for the normal life to begin till we have a proven vaccination available in the market for common people. Having known how vaccinations are created and put in production, I believe we may not get that for the next 18-24 months – it will be great if it reaches us by that time.

Now if we are looking into that kind of situation, so how do we live with that – you may be hearing and viewing multiple views around that in news, multiple articles, expert webinars etc. That’s where Top-Notch Tutorials decided to come up with our bit of knowledge sharing to ensure we maintain safety while we start learning to live with COVID.

I have tried to create a crisp process story to be adopted while you start stepping out – this may not be foolproof but a good start and would really encourage all our readers to share their inputs on as to what all could be added and I will be acknowledging them in my next blogs. At the end of the day it’s a collective effort to fight this pandemic.

  1. Wearing mask & gloves

Although the government has already made it mandatory but at the end of the day it’s our own safety and therefore as a responsible citizen we need to make sure to not step out without a mask and ideally a pair of gloves (needless to say to maintain washing of hands every time we come home or after every few hours since we have been touching multiple things daily)


  1. Avoid touching your face unnecessary

We will have to consciously develop this habit of avoiding touching our face, scratching eyes/nose, touching lips etc. since that will ensure we do not come in contact with virus in case have touched anything carrying that.


  1. Try to limit your social outings

This will be the key after the lockdown ends – we will have to be extra cautious and maintain a low social life outside our family and close friends. We should avoid going for social outings and try to stay home for as long as possible and let the COVID-19 to further settle down.


  1. Download Arogaya Setu App

Our government has done a great job in coming up with a noble idea of an amazing app to track our movement and ensure to alert in case we come across a corona victim or exposed to such situation, ensure we have that on our app and is turned on (through Bluetooth) all the time we move out.


  1. Create safe contact list

This is something that we feel will be highly required to ensure we have a ‘Safe list’ of contact people whom we are meeting outside our family. This would primarily comprise of school friends, close relatives whom we may be visiting in near future and our faculty in coaching institutes whom we may start connecting soon after the lockdown is taken off.


  1. Considering your vulnerable age, safe list got to be effective

Students have tender age with immunity still not fully developed, therefore the safe list got to be highly effective and shall maintain a track of whom we met outside the list, (will not be easy though!), with that we can ensure not only our safety, but also for the people whom we are coming in contact with.


  1. We need to live with Corona & keep working on the list

The tracking of the people whom we have been meeting shall be a constant and regular process to ensure we are living safe with Corona and moment we get to know about anyone who has been exposed or declared Corona positive, we also get ourselves self tested.


All the above like I said in the start of the blog, are just the pointers that Top-Notch Tutorials faculty and team feels are the major points of consideration to maintain a safe life while we live with Corona, but may not be exhaustive and will keep adding to it in the future also.

Meanwhile, we will love to hear from you about your views and inputs that we should include in our fight against Corona. Feel free in contacting us for any further queries. Write to us on or call us on 8860-2427-13 to know more about any question that you have on mind or how we are maintaining the safety at our institute while running classes.

Please do follow the prescribed precautions, and stay safe & healthy!

Posted in CBSE

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