Adoption of Technology by Top-Notch Faculty - Topnochtutorials

In this unexpected and exceptional time when all the industries are trying to cope up with changes resulting from COVID-19, the education industry has also gone through a massive shift. In order to ensure students do not suffer and studies go on as usual, institutes and faculty have adopted changes whole heartedly.

I am writing this blog today on behalf of all my faculty and teaching community who have beautifully and timely adopted online infrastructure to keep the learning going! For the past 4 weeks ever since we have been in the lockdown, I have been observing how teachers have learned the use of technology, created sustainable processes and made sure our students are on top of their study regime.

The faculty at Top-Notch Tutorials not only has been active in teaching online, but paying special emphasis in creating insightful and detailed subject content for the students to prepare online. Let me share some quick insights around how our top-notch faculty has adapted to the changes due to COVID-19 sealed:

  • Creation of online notes for each class

Daily bulk notes are created to prepare for each class to be presented online to students to make it easy for them to understand the subject.


  • Conducting online classes

Take classes with students and managing the technology. We have adopted the best in class technology but at the end of the day, we are teachers and have learned the art to be friends with technology in the past few weeks to conduct flawless live classes online.


  • Recorded lectures

Teachers record their daily lectures for the students who may not have been fully present on the online classes owing to bad internet connection or any other issue. The same is then shared through our portal and Top-Notch Tutorials mobile app.


  • Doubt sessions online

Take daily doubts session online to ensure all concepts are clear – considering we are using technology, there are multiple students posting same question at times but the faculty has been patient to deal with all the doubts ensuring smooth learning.


  • Creation & sharing assignments

Creation of distribution of assignments batch wise.


  • Online test creation

Faculty creates online tests for each of the subjects in our online platform and distribute across batches through our portal and mobile app for good testing & preparation.


  • Results & Follow-up

Going through results online for the tests submitted and sharing follow-up notes for students to see where they need to improve.


  • Online Parent Meetings

Conducting online meetings with parents to discuss student progress and also share tips on creation on health, food and study regime while we are in the lockdown.


As you may observe, the current situation has resulted in extra workload for the teachers but am delighted to see how our faculty has adopted so well and have become future ready ensuring that we are not required to play with students security and they can continue staying home and study safe till we all collectively defeat Corona Virus.

We invite all our readers & their parents to contact us in case have additional queries around the above, write to on or call us on 8860-2427-13 to know more or in case have any questions around our faculty, courses, online classes etc.

Please do follow the prescribed health regime, and stay safe & healthy during COVID-19!

Posted in CBSE

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