Central Board of Secondary Education commonly known as CBSE is an inclusive and comprehensive education curriculum in the Indian education system which not only educates students the respective subjects but also teaches them lifestyle and personality building. The CBSE curriculum is not easy and in order to score well in the exams, students need to be consistent in studies whether in school or in CBSE coaching in Dwarka Delhi. The importance of consistent study in CBSE curriculum is vital for success and we will discuss some habits you must inculcate in your daily life as a student to be consistent

Essential habits to improve consistency in studies

  • Eat a balanced diet.

This is one of the study techniques that can help you succeed. Never consume harmful foods, such as snacks or cold beverages, as these could lead to health problems. Students should be encouraged by their parents to eat a range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and protein. Drink lots of water since it’s crucial to stay hydrated.

  • Make getting enough sleep a priority.

Students’ lives are not as simple as we may believe. They manage a lot of pressures, such as rising early, attending class on time, completing assignments on time, performing well on tests, etc. Thus, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial. Make sure your child sleeps for at least eight hours every night. Health issues, attention issues, and elevated stress levels can all be lessened with sleep.

  • Make sure your child is physically active

Exercise is beneficial for the brain as much as the body. Learning benefits from physical activity because it increases blood flow to the brain, elevates mood, and lowers stress. Encourage your child to be physically active for at least half an hour every day, whether it be dance, sports, or even just taking a walk around the neighborhood.

  • Use strategies for active learning.

Effective study habits also require the use of active learning strategies. Teach your child how to make mental maps, summarize facts in their own terms, and explain ideas out loud as if they were instructing someone else. These techniques improve memory and understanding of information on a deeper level.

  • Take regular breaks to study.

Long study sessions can occasionally result in exhaustion and lower productivity. One excellent strategy for preserving focus and avoiding mental exhaustion is the Pomodoro Technique, in which students study for 25 to 30 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Encourage mental-calming exercises like stretching, deep breathing, or taking a walk during pauses.

  • Manage stress effectively

Academic life always brings stress, but it’s crucial to learn appropriate coping mechanisms. Encourage your child in stress-reduction methods including writing, practicing meditation, and deep breathing. Encourage candid conversations about their concerns and difficulties while providing consolation and support. For long-term success, an appropriate balance between study and leisure time is essential.

  • Encourage healthy habits

To prevent burnout, urge students to take regular breaks from their studies. Quick pauses can help you focus and be more productive. During class, encourage students to move by doing quick exercises or stretches. Engaging in physical activity improves general well being and brain function. Talk about the value of leading a balanced lifestyle that includes enough sleep, a healthy diet, and time for socializing and hobbies.


Essential study habits listed above can be extremely beneficial for students and help them achieve greater success in CBSE curriculum as CBSE is not only about education but maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well while studying. So, make sure your child follows all or some of the above to achieve success in CBSE curriculum

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