Scoring above 95 in CBSE Class 10 maths is an highly achievable goal because if you have the right strategy, practice and mindset, this is a subject which can help you score the highest. A structured approach can help you master the concept, solve the problem sufficiently and above all, boost your confidence before the exams. If you get the best online coaching for Class 10 CBSE, it is very much possible that you can maximize your marks and score the best.
Understand the syllabus and exam pattern
Before you start the preparations, get familiarized with the CBCE maths syllabus and the different weightage that the different chapters have. The different segments are Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration, statistics and probability, linear equations and graphs. If you know the kind of weightage each of these sections have, you can prepare accordingly. Also, there are objective questions like the MCQS which typically carries one marks each. There are short answer questions and long answer questions. So, once you understand all these patterns, with the help of the experts of the online CBSE coaching classes, you can focus on the high weightage topic and manage your time effectively.
Create a smart study plan
You have to understand that studying daily has its benefits, so, you need to set daily targets and allocate the specific hours for different topics. Make sure to follow the NCERT first because 80% of the exam comes from the NCERT books to solve the CBSE sample papers and practice at least five to 10 past year papers to be thorough. Revise the formulas daily and maintain a formula notebook so that you can go for a quick revision. Use concept based learning and do not just memorize in maths. Understand the logic behind the formulas. To get best result, the ideal study plan would be –
- Three months before exam you complete the NCERT book and practice the basic problems
- Two months before the exam you can solve the previous your question papers and get into the mock tests
- One month before the exam you need to revise the formulas, focus on your weak areas and most important thing practice a time management.
Master the NCERT textbook
NCERT Maths book is your best resource. There are many direct questions which are picked from it. So you need to solve each and every sample and exercise that’s there. Do not skip any questions. Understand the derivations because it will help you in case there are any tricky questions in the exam. Check the NCERT exemplar problems because they will help you improve the problem solving skills. Try to complete the syllabus at least twice before the final exam.
Practice regularly with mock tests
Mock tests and the previous year sample papers will help you improve the speed and accuracy. You can get familiar with the question, friends and most importantly understand how to manage the time and example. Overall, it will help you reduce the exam anxiety. You can find this sample papers in CBSE official website, in the NCERT exemplar and in various reference books. Try to solve the full length sample papers in three hours under exam conditions to get the best result.
Master important topics and formulas
There are some chapters which will have the higher weightage and from where you can get the frequency repeated questions. For instance, in trigonometry you should learn the identities, the formulas. For algebra try to focus on the quadratic equations. For geometry, practice the theorems and construction step by step. Maintain a formula CHEAT SHEET for daily revision.
Improve calculation speed and accuracy
Mathematics will require quick thinking so you can improve with the practice of mental maths so that you can avoid the unnecessary steps. Be careful with signs and units to avoid any silly mistakes. Check your answers, that is recalculate the tricky problems to confirm accuracy.
Revise smartly before the exam
It is highly recommended and forever advised that you need to revise very effectively, which will involve solving the past question papers, focusing on the weak areas and revising the difficult topics over and over again. Memorize the important formulas in theorems and take timed mock test.
As the exam day comes, you need to be mindful and be confident if you have actually done your revision properly. Once you have the conceptual clarity and have been consistent in your practice, you will certainly be able to get very good marks. Read the paper carefully. Take at least 10 minutes to go through the question paper. Start with the easy questions. Show the complete steps because marks are awarded for each steps and not just the final answer. Manage the time efficiently and don’t get stuck in one question. Most importantly, review your answers. Check the calculations, formulas and units before submitting. Maths is a subject that allows to score the highest. Give it your best shot by proper practice!