
Student experience in Top-Notch Tutorials online infrastructure - Topnochtutorials

Ever since the increase in Covid-19 cases & start of lockdown in the country, we at Top-Notch Tutorials started to move all our classes online. We had constantly & cautiously started to create an integrated online infrastructure which we highlighted in a few of our earlier blogs also (you can read them here…..).

After two weeks of continuous online classes & sharing of assignments/ recorded lectures through our mobile application, we conducted a very targeted internal survey with the students of class X & XII to access their inputs and experience – that to us was important since we also had done online migration of this magnitude first time in our institute and wanted to maintain the same level of quality of education and student interaction that we ideally achieved in our face to face classes.

I am happy to share a few interesting insights from our survey for all to read and assess how Top-Notch Tutorials have made a great stride in adopting online infrastructure – with a big thanks to our faculty and students also who have been supportive in this great transition.

Insights for survey with Class X & XII:-

There were in total around 45 responses for the survey with below interesting insights recovered:

  1. 92% of the respondents firmly believe the faculty was able to develop interest in the subjects taught online                                    
  2. Nearly 28% of the respondents wanted us to increase the duration of the class provided online, a big boost to our efforts                       
  3. 95% of the students felt the faculty was able to encourage discussions and handled doubts well online                                      
  4. 90% of the students were happy with the recorded lectures & study material depth, time of sharing and mode i.e. majorly through Top-Notch Tutorials mobile application                                                            
  5. 90% of the students were excited to see the enthusiasm of our faculty while teaching online                                                           
    The above is a brief snapshot of the responses with more positive inputs coming from the students. We will soon be launching a even bigger survey with our students and their parents in the month end to collate further insights in our objective to provide more refined and improved education and infrastructure services.                         
    While we undertake more surveys and share interesting insights, we encourage all to contact us in case you have queries around our online classes and how students are being involved whole heartedly, write on or call on 8860-2427-13 to know more about any question that you have on mind.                                                                                                         
    Please do follow the prescribed precautions, and stay safe & healthy!
Posted in CBSE

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