The degree of competition among students has increased to such an extent that it has raised the threshold for reasonable and acceptable standards to insane levels. Some students study for up to 12 hours a day in an attempt to ace their tests and receive excellent grades. But it’s a well-known fact that studying for an extended period of time might be harmful. Prolonged studying has been shown to have a negative link with memory recall, and it is harmful to one’s health. In other words, the longer studying takes, the less probable it is that the brain will remember the material. Hence, a good coaching institute in Dwarka, helps students to study smarter, saving time, health and performing well in exams. We will go through some tips to study smarter in this article.
Focus on consistency
People are frequently forced against their choice into figurative corners in a time when being average is considered undesirable and failure is mocked. It’s far worse for students. Sometimes the pressure from friends, parents, and society gets so bad that it’s almost hard for them to handle. Perfectionism becomes an obsession when fear of failure takes over. Perfectionism is a problem when people get unsatisfied with others or themselves regardless of how hard they work or get the results they want. It’s a terrible issue.
In order to prevent overstressing yourself and studying for extended periods of time, make an effort to follow a timetable that allows for regular breaks. You may study for 25 minutes at a time, with 5-minute rests in between. Another version of the method consists of four intervals separated by 20-minute rest periods. Make use of what works best for you.
Make proper plan and act upon it
Often, we leave tomorrow’s worries to ourselves in the future. When we organize something like a routine, this is even more true. There are two things you should do to counter that. One, in two minutes, create a schedule. In this manner, the most urgent tasks would be forced to the top of the priority list by your brain. Next, prioritize the tasks by setting them in that order.
Make a note of the tasks that can be completed in a matter of minutes as well. Get rid of them first to boost your self-esteem and go forward. Second, make sure your surroundings are free of any distractions. This involves finding a peaceful spot to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Give your phone to someone else if, like most teenagers, you use it excessively, or use one of the many apps available that cut down on internet usage.
Don’t do multitasking
Steer clear of multitasking like the plague. It is impossible to emphasize this enough. Study if you are studying. Eat if you’re currently doing so. Numerous studies have concluded that multitasking generally impairs attention span and results in low levels of activity. However, efficiency would naturally rise if one were to concentrate only on one work. There are certain exceptions, though. Recent research indicates that alternating between different tasks may be beneficial while performing creative problem solving tasks. In the end, what matters is the nature of your assignment.
Go through previous question papers
By identifying trends in previous exam questions, one can significantly cut down on study time by focusing on the key topics covered in their curriculum and eliminating the unneeded material. It is essential when getting ready for tests. Exam paper sections can be safely extended by examining questions with similar answers and subjects with repetition questions. Additionally, it increases self-belief, which lessens worry.