8 tips on how to study smart? - Topnochtutorials

There are so many times we hear from students or their parents  talking about how their children prepared for the exams but the results were not in line with expectations – or I/my child prepared equally well but could not score as much as our neighbors child!

While we don’t encourage undue competition, but yes would like to instigate a thought if you have ever introspected how studying smart could make a difference to your results?

On that note, we would like to bring forward eight amazing and well proven tips from our years of experience in running Top-Notch Tutorials (www.topnotchtutorials.com) on how you could study smart and excel in your class:

  1. Plan your session & day well

First and foremost, it will depend on starting from daily time management & planning. Break your day and allocate hours for studies and recreation – since both are equally important for a healthy mind.

Further break the study time by subjects such that all the subjects get sufficient time in the week. We know that’s a tricky job and invite people to feel free and connect with us to get that best break-up combination.

  1. Attend all classes & be attentive

It is imperative that you attend all your classes daily (in school/coaching) and stay attentive there – which also implies that you question in case of doubts. Basics created in the school and studying at home/coaching institute ideally helps to sharpen your skills.

  1. Keep your notes completed, handy & tidy

We have seen students struggling with notes and moving haplessly in advanced stages of the session to seek help – notes are like our bible and should be respected and kept tidy for real time access.

  1. Revisions are the key

Our preparations should leave ample time for proper and comprehensive revisions before the exams. You will only be able to do that when have planned the session well and give 2-3 revisions to each subject and topic before the final exams.

  1. Build healthy subject group discussions & challenge your knowledge

We always advocate and push students in our institute to get into healthy knowledge driven group discussions, and advise students to do that in their respective friend circles too. That helps to bring best out of us and at times help to clear doubts also.

  1. Always question in case not clear

This is really important for excelling in life, we need to question where things, topics, subjects are not clear to us!

  1. Balance out studies and sports

This is the most important adoption – we would like all our students to preach balanced approach towards sports and exercise. Practice any sport that makes your body and mind feel relaxed.

A relaxed mind always grasps  faster than a fatigued one!

  1. Stay committed & positive

Always stay committed to your time table and plan – back that up with positive thoughts and ideas and stay away from negativity. Avoid over discussions with friends & families around preparations and stay focused.

We at Top-Notch  Tutorials have been engaging with students and trying to inculcate the above tips with them for good results. Our motive is to create good students with practical  learning than mugging. Come meet us or contact us on  contact@topnotchtutorials.com or call on 88602 42713/78348 99327 for any queries you may have around preparation or doubts in subjective knowledge.

We don’t charge for making positive difference to our students & society.

Posted in CBSE

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