CBSE Class 12 Term 2 Board Exam 2023: Time Management Tips

Appearing for the class 12 exam is one of the most crucial events for any student. Along with preparing for the board exam, students must also be ready for a number of competitive exams that will determine their career. Time management is essential. Some students are born with the skill of “time management,” but for others, it’s crucial to learn how to do it well. 


Loss of wealth can be made up for by hard effort, loss of a sound mind can be made up for with the right medication, but loss of time cannot be made up for! Every exam preparation process, including the CBSE class 12 board exams, requires effective time management. Time management is equally important during study and in the exam room as last-minute advice. Students who have good time management abilities can complete their coursework and papers with confidence in three hours. However, students’ exam sickness and worry make it difficult for them to manage their time effectively, which in turn raises their stress levels. Students in the class of 12 must be focusing on their board exam preparation; the following time management advice can assist them manage their stress.


These suggestions from the experts of coaching classes in Dwarka will assist you in effectively and efficiently managing your time as a board test student. 


Focus on Writing Speed

Many students have trouble finishing their papers on time despite their best efforts and preparation. Because of this, students should often take practise exams and mock exams to improve their writing abilities. Students who frequently take three-hour practise exams improve both their writing abilities and their knowledge of the material covered in class. They will be aware of the areas that require practise and correction. The goal should be for students to finish their practise exam 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time. They will be better able to cope under pressure as a result. The students’ handwriting will get better with regular practise, which is important for maintaining the examination sheet’s neatness. The initial impression an examiner has of a student is dependent on their handwriting, thus students should constantly keep this in mind.


Use Different Study Techniques

It is advantageous for class 12 pupils preparing for their second term board exams to use a variety of study methods. Effective strategies can help pupils remember and simplify complex subjects.

A common time management method called the “Pomodoro technique” calls for studying for 25 minutes, taking a little break, and then continuing for another 25 minutes. It has been demonstrated that using this strategy helps kids’ intellectual potential.

Infographics are visual representations of information that are used to organise it graphically. Students can create a diagram based on a single idea and then divide that idea into other branches. This method helps people retain ideas for a longer time.

The ‘Mnemonic’ technique is a learning strategy that makes use of auditory form to aid with memory retention. Take the word VIBGYOR, which makes it easier to remember the names of the hues that make up a rainbow. 


Select Effective Study Material

Study resources for class 12 students are readily available in the markets. However, choosing the best study material requires a lot of time. Students can save a great deal of time and effort by using effective study materials. Study aids can make it simple for pupils to comprehend ideas, saving them valuable time when it comes to taking notes. Based on their unique requirements, students should select their study materials. Applying the best study materials is one of the most efficient time management strategies.


Set a Daily Achievable Target

The first step for every student expecting to perform well on their examinations is to set goals. A frequent and efficient time management technique used by students preparing for their board examinations in the 12th grade is setting a daily goal. It can assist students in establishing new, constructive behaviours, staying focused, and maintaining a good momentum throughout their preparation process. Students that follow a schedule are more deliberate and engaged in their learning. They spend less time wasting since they are aware of how long each session should take.

Posted in CBSE

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