We have seen a lot in the past few weeks and have been preparing to gear up for a very different, and a new world. COVID-19, which people probably would not have heard about six months back is now a prominent part of our daily life and discussions. We are being educated around that and authorities are ensuring to help us cope with this unexpected challenge.

While we educate our students around their class course and subjects, it is imperative for us to also build a clear understanding of how COVID is changing our lives and spell out ways to deal with that. I suggest all our followers & readers to go through our past blogs where we have tried to build good understanding around the precautions, preparations and planning to deal with the situation.

Today I will like to focus on three major aspects that I personally believe are going to play a major role in our fight against COVID-19.

  1. Dealing with Stress & Uncertainty

This is the most important aspect that we all will have to build in us – let’s be strong and not let stress become heavy on us which will lead to health issues. Let us try and undertake activities those help us stay calm and happy.

For instance, I have personally started to play a lot of board and toy games with my baby girl, while I see my wife reading a lot of books. That’s our way of bursting stress, would love to hear from you on how you plan to beat stress & uncertainty (write to me on pankaj@topnotchtutorials.com).


  1. Building Positive Attitude

We as Top-Notch Tutorials and in my personal capacity, have been speaking to many students & their parents to assess their current situation and how they are feeling. I would here want to focus on the discussions those are full of positivity and zeal.

To me, as a teacher, nothing in this world is impossible if we maintain a positive attitude, we have seen worse situations in the past (we may be young to vouch for that) that have either been narrated to us or are available in documents. People rose beyond that and today those are the stories which inspire us. Let’s all learn from them and start following a positive regime.


  1. Accepting the Current Situation & taking up Challenges

Thirdly, for me most important is to look for opportunities to improve and improvise in any situation – no matter how challenging it may be.


Here we will like to quite a great recent example of ours or in general our great education industry, on March 24 we realized that the imposed lockdown will impact institutes and for maintaining safety will have to be closed for unforeseen future. The next thing that we got going with in tackling that challenge was to build a world class online infrastructure to start live online classes for our students. Today all are students are studying, probably equally hard and have all their plans in place. Same I would request all of you to maintain and accept the current situation and let’s try and make these days also count to come out as final winner.


Top-Notch Tutorials has always focused on overall development of students which includes good mind health & positive attitude, therefore we encourage all our readers & their parents to contact us in case have additional queries around the above, write to on contact@topnotchtutorials.com or call us on 8860-2427-13 to know more or in case have any questions around our faculty, courses, online classes etc.

Please do follow the prescribed health regime, and stay safe & healthy during COVID-19!

Posted in CBSE

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