Tips to prepare for class X Science board exam: Physics section - Topnochtutorials

For any school student, X class is the most important year considering the board exams are conducted and students are introduced to new ways of exam taking and patterns – year 2020 is no different. Considering the marks for X class will stay with your life and lays a foundation for future subjects to be taken up by the students, that’s another big reason for the class being considered special.

Looking at the subjects in class X board exams, Science holds a special mention since that lays foundation for the students who aspire to take up Medical & Engineering in future. Considering the importance of the subject, we would like to cover and share to do’s/tips for our students to prepare well for that, especially Physics section, which just like Maths is quantitative aptitude driven and students could score full marks in that section.

CBSE has already released the date sheet for the board exams with class X Science exam to be held on March 15, 2020. Let’s have a quick view of the Science subject break-up and topic weightage – the current pattern for board X Science exam shall consist of:

Theory – 80 marks

   – Internal assessment – 20 marks

  • Internal assessment will be broken in – Periodic class assessment by school – 10 marks
  • Subject enrichment activities – 5 marks
  • Portfolio – 5 marks

The structure of the Science paper will be:

Section A consisting of 14 questions of objective nature (MCQs) and assertion-reason type questions carrying 1 mark each

Section B will have questions carrying 3 marks each

Section C will have long answer type questions carrying 5 marks each, and 6 in number

There will also be an internal choice among questions in this section.

Taking up Physics specifically, the section will carry around 27 marks of the overall exam – this branch of Science ideally deals with nature and properties of matter & energy. Physics is majorly driven by formula & theorem based questions. Students shall be well versed with diagrams of electrical circuits and various electrical elements, prisms, AC/DC generator , motor, rays of lights and associated natural phenomenon etc. Let’s further break the chapters by importance:

  • Light: Reflection & Refraction

Here the focus will be more on numerical on mirror & lens formula, therefore a great deal of practice is required to score well. Good grasp on Ray diagrams shall help students. Also practice refractive index problems with special attention to the applications of various types mirrors and lenses.

  • Electricity

Under this, questions on the series & parallel combination of resistances should be practiced well, with focus on numerical based on Ohm’s law, factors affecting the resistance value, Power consumedin an electrical circuit and the heating effects of electric current.

  • Human Eye &Colourful World

Major questions under this chapter are around defects of vision & their correction along with diagrams, Various Natural Phenomenon and their explanations.

  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Strong understanding of Fleming’s left hand and right hand rules and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction shall be developed under this since bulk of the questions from this come in theory under short-answer type questions.

For students to be able to score high in Physics section, below are a few useful, and proven tips:

  1. Complete NCERT textbook fully

CBSE exams usually come from NCERT books and it’s always advisable to prepare the book fully for covering maximum exam questions.

  1. Practice last year test papers & clarify all doubts

The best way to prepare for Physics exam is to look for the past year papers since it has been observed many a time same questions from the past papers come in the exam with minor tweaks.

  1. Focus on numerical

Practice well for numerical driven questions which always help to increase your score in the exam with potential to score full – as indicated above Electricity & Light are 2 chapters with numerical so plan your practice accordingly. To have a good grasp, as part of practice have formulas handy to make sure you are fully prepared on it.

  1. Fool proof Revision plan

Nothing beats and replaces a well-placed revision plan – make sure you have revised chapters well and thoroughly. At-least 3-5 revisions shall be undertaken in your run-up for the Science exam.

  1. Avoid learning new topics in last lap of preparations

As a general rule of thumb, we advise students to stick to your preparations plan and avoid learning anything new at last moment or exam time. This could be applied to new referral books also.


CBSE has introduced changes in the exam patterns over the years and made it highly competitive for students, yet giving them good opportunity to score well if planned timely & well.

Prepare yourself based on the tips shared above and consider the structure well to score high in Physics section of Science exam. Contact us on or call us on 88602 42713/78348 99327 to hear more from us and we could help you further for that last minute preparations for class X board exams.

We happily look forward to support you!

Posted in CBSE

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