With board exams around the corner and changes in the CBSE exam pattern, it is imperative to put your best foot forward in your preparations. While we believe all our students would have already prepared well for the subjects but here we would want to focus on an exclusive subject–i.e. English.
We keep hearing, reading & focusing a lot on Maths, Science etc. but equal focus is required on English since that plays an equal role in making or disturbing your overall percentage. The fortunate part is if prepared well and timely, English can play a great role and you could achieve 90+ in your board exams.
At Top-Notch Tutorials, we try and inculcate the following tips over the year in a quest to prepare students for 90+ score target in English- which is absolutely achievable. Sharing the tips with all students here to benefit from our experience:
Tips for Annual Preparation:-
Give proper time to the subject
This is the most important tip –where focus on the subject in terms of number of days you give to English in the week the hours spent could be less but it should be taken up at-least thrice in a week to Make sure you are fully prepared.
Improve your writing skill
English is driven by written skills – it is important for the students to focus on writing neatly & complete answers. That’s especially important for the internal assessments or subjective paper since teachers tend to give higher marks for that.
Solve sample question papers
As applicable for all exams, focus on preparing and writing previous year exams since that will allow you to prepare for the typical questions that you may have to write in 2020.
Avoid selective studying
While preparing for the English exam, focus on all aspects of the exam, including poems, grammar Since from our experience we see students focusing on selective parts for English where they perceive to be weak but the results at times throw surprises. Therefore, it’s better to cover all aspects while your preparations are on.
How to write the exam:-
Read comprehensions thoroughly & carefully
Coming to writing the paper, make sure you read the questions, especially comprehensions well and then attempt answers. Do not hasten the reading or attempt question in a hurry since at times results in marks being deducted for wrong attempts.
Underline answers with important text
It’s always a good habit in subjective papers such as English to underline the important parts of the answers to show case the important & crucial parts. That has a tendency to secure that extra edge in the checking process.
Select questions cautiously in paper
Considering in your current 2020 pattern we get to select from multiple questions to attempt always read all the questions and then mark the one that you feel most confident about and want to attempt. Again, avoid being hasty in attempting the questions since at times students write those answers which they feel could have been avoided after submission of the paper.
Follow a serial number while attempting the questions
Another tip is to try and follow the serial number as much as possible while you are attempting your answers. That helps the checking faculty and creates a positive impression on them– and makes a difference in your final score.
Check your answers before final submission
We have observed English is one exam that students statistically take least time for going through the answers and that extra confidence dents your score, therefore try and give one glance and at-least couple to the high score questions.
English exam is one such paper which many students undermine a bit and ultimately it impacts your overall score. Board exams have English as a common subject a cross all streams and should be taken more seriously.
Prepare based on the tips shared above and consider the structure well to score high in English exam. Contact us on contact@topnotchtutorials.com or call us on 8860242713/7834899327 to hear more from us and we could help you further for that last minute preparations for English board exams.