Exam time is extremely crucial for students no matter which class they are in. The pressure of performing well, completing and revising hundreds of topics in a short time and many other factors make students feel nervous on exam day. A good coaching institute in Dwarka not only teaches its students but helps them memorise subject topics faster by giving them tips so that students do not feel pressurised as the exam day nears. In this article, we will discuss some ways to memorise topics faster that will not only save time for the students but make them more confident during exams.
Understand your learning style
Students are of different types and their learning strategies are different too. Before trying to memorise the topics, make sure that you as a student know which type of learner you are. You could be a Visual Learner who learns through pictures and diagrams, you could be an Auditory Learner who listens and discusses things to learn, you could be a Read/Write Learner who excels with written notes and reading or you could be a Kinesthetic Learner who does Hands-on activities and experiences to understand things.
3 R’s for effective learning
It’s similar to receiving your pass to Memory Town. Make sure you take thorough notes, emphasise key points, and utilise visual aids to aid with memory retention.
Consider this to be your memory workout. Reviewing what you’ve learnt on a regular basis helps to reinforce memory since it acts as a kind of mental exercise.
It’s memory test time! Ask yourself questions or have others clarify ideas to you. This exercise improves your memory.
Techniques of boosting your memory power
- Make associations or methods to help you remember things. It works something like mental shortcuts to facilitate memorization.
- Your study periods should be spaced out throughout time. It improves the way your brain retains knowledge.
- Make sure you understand what you’re learning before you commit it to memory. Knowledge provides a solid basis for remembering.
- Construct connections between new and existing knowledge. It resembles weaving a knowledge network within your mind.
- The magic hour of memories is at night. Your brain can store and organise information more efficiently if you study before bed.
- Use quizzes to test your own abilities. It is comparable to exercising your memory muscles; the more you do it, the more powerful they become.
- Segment large subjects into manageable parts. Like putting together a puzzle, one piece at a time.
- Write something down. Writing things down improves your memory.
- Utilise short phrases composed of word origins to help you retain information. It is analogous to creating your own codes.
- Create charts or diagrams. Similar to traffic signs for your memory are visual cues.
Solving lengthy answers
- Obtain the key concept first. It’s similar to consulting a map before setting out on a trip.
- Break up long answers into manageable chunks. It resembles going one step at a time.
- Speaking aloud improves memory retention in the brain. It’s similar to lending voice to your memory.
- Strive to recall without consulting your notes. It functions as a kind of memory game.
- Continue going over the content until it becomes clear. Repetition functions similarly to strengthening your brain’s memory connections.
- While you sleep, your brain processes and organises information. Thus, to improve memory, study before going to bed.
- Prior to memorization, comprehend. It’s similar to laying a strong foundation before constructing a house.
- Have patience with oneself. It takes time to memorise information, but you are improving in every step you are walking.